what would make you feel you were living the life you were meant to live? find it. live it. love it. austerity health.
austerity health academy is your best resource for online life coach certification
We give you three keys to success
the best online life coach resource for new coaches
I seriously love this program! I learned everything I needed to become a life coach and start my very own business. Anyone looking to get going as a life coach should start here.
- Angela Veal
I was worried I might not like being a life coach. But I am so glad I took the chance, I love helping others and being in control of my schedule. If you are on the edge, take the plunge, it's worth it a hundred times over.
- Bruce Valanche
Helping others has always been my passion, but I never thought I could make a living doing what I love. But, the QuickStart Life Coaching Program showed me exactly how I could accomplish my dreams quickly. We all have the ability, we just need the know-how.
- Thomas Jane

discover the answers to the most common challenges we all face

Do any of these challenges sound familiar?
- "I love working with people but will they love working with me?"
- "Can this support me and my family?"
- "I don't have the time to start doing something else."
- "I’ll feel like a fraud. I don’t have any coaching experience yet."
- "It feels too late and I am too old."
- "I don't know how to start a coaching business"
if any of these questions sound familiar, do not worry – you're not alone. the austerity health community's sole purpose is to help you get from where you are now, to where you want to be. we created this comprehensive life coach preparation program to make it simple and rewarding for individuals to become life coaches.
here's the real question... when you are 80 and look back on your life, do you want to regret not ever trying?
if you answered no, take your first step.
Press the button and walk down the road less traveled, so you can start your new journey and discover who you were meant to be.