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How much can a certified life coach expect to earn coaching? A certified life coach salary is often based on experience, personality, knowledge, and willingness to charge what they are worth. In a year like 2020, which is full of unexpected and undesirable life changes, people are now on a lookout for life coaching more than ever.
This is much encouraging for the aspiring life coaches. But, considering the financial crisis of the present time, they’re bound to think: “How much do life coaches make?” before they opt for life coaching as their primary career.
For your better understanding and readability, we’ve classified the earning of a life coach as follows:
Life Coach Salary – Hourly Pay
Here’s the good news:
A certified, skilled, and experienced life coach in the United States can earn as much as a whopping $71.39 per hour. (According to the data available on different websites, this is the highest hourly wage earned by a life coach).
The lowest hourly wage, on the other hand, stoops down to $5.29.
But these are the two extreme ends, and there’s a vast area in the middle which includes the wages of the majority of life coaches. These wages range from $13-$34, with an average of $29/hour. This difference indicates that there’s a lot of room for improvement for an average life coach. they can considerably increase their hourly pay by reconsidering several factors that we’ll discuss at the end of this article.
Also, read this Article on Life Coaching Books
Weekly Pay
While your weekly pay would greatly depend on what you make per hour, it may fluctuate because of many reasons, including:
- How many clients you take per week
- Different needs of different clients and the corresponding coaching fee
With that said, the average weekly certified life coach salary in the USA is $1,163/week. This is an average figure, and the weekly income may fall anywhere from
$510-$1,356 per week.
Monthly Pay
If you’re aiming to adopt life coaching as your means of living, it’s crucial to know exactly how much you’ll make per month. This per month salary figure will help you decide whether this profession is a good fit for you, and vice versa. Getting to the point, the average monthly certified life coach salary in the USA is $5,040. The average monthly salary range is $2,208-$5,875.
Annual Pay
Now, this is the actual motivation booster! The average annual salary figure gives you a holistic view of this industry’s financial potential and compels you to embrace this billion-dollar industry.
Yes, billion-dollar, you heard it right!!!
According to the databases present on the leading job sites, the average annual pay of life coaches in the United States is $69,945.
The International Coaching Federation reports that the national average salary range in USA extends from $11,000-$114,500 annually.
Note: These salary figures are not standardized; They’re taken from different popular job posting sites. Therefore, the values might differ depending on where you’re checking it from.
The Factors that Influence a Life Coach’s Salary
Wondering why these salary ranges have a such a huge disparity? Here are some of the factors that can affect a certified life coach salary, and you can take your earnings to the next level by reconsidering them:
- Mode of coaching (on-site/online)
- Level of experience and certifications
- Specializations in different niches
- Marketing skills
- Coaching resources and techniques (and the eagerness to learn and grow, most importantly!)
Consider This…
A life coach’s salary varies significantly within the US, but it’s very much possible to earn a fortune if you have what it takes! Are you ready to see how you measure up to the competition? Take my free assessment and find out if you have what it takes to become a Life Coach.
Then join the Life Coach group on Facebook to connect with others who are doing the job you want right now. Austerity Health-Life Coaching.